1. Do you have a check-in/check-out time?
- We do. Check-in time is 1pm while check-out time is 11am. Please note that the check-out time will always be 11am regardless of your check-in time. In case there's no one renting the said accommodation, you can check-in early/late. 

2. Do you have electricity there?
- We only rely on our generators. For the cottages, it's from 6pm to 6:00am.

If there are no one renting the cottages, for the outdoor camping tents, kindly bring flashlights. 

Please note that we do not allow rice cookers or other appliances as this will cause our generators to malfunction. 

3. Is there a bathroom for the ones renting the tents?
- We have a common/public toilet and bath.

4. Do you sell cooked rice?
- We do. 1 serving (cup) is 25 pesos. Please inform us immediately if you're planning to avail this.

5. Can we bring our own food? Liquor? Is there a payment?
- You may. We do not charge any corkage.

6. How much is the entrance fee?
- Entrance fee is FREE if you’ll be staying with us overnight with the accommodation of your choice. Please be reminded that this is a private property, thus no accommodation, no entry.

7. Do you have a cooking area? Grill? 
- We have 1 grill. All guests will take turns when using it. Please remember to clean it after using.

8. Can we rent/borrow your utensils?
- Sadly, no. Kindly bring your own. For the ones with food packages, all the utensils are provided for.

9. Where can we charge our phones?
- We have a charging area there. It's 30 pesos per cellphone (full charge). Please bring your own charger(s) for the safety of your own gadget(s). This is only available if there are people renting the Villas, Cabins and Glamping Suites and from 6pm to 6:00am only.

10. Do you accept "paluto"?
- We do! Price ranges from 150-300 pesos.

11. How long is the travelling time?
a. Manila to Mauban, Quezon
- 3 hours to 6 hours depending on the time of departure, traffic, weather and season.
b. Private Boat going to Nilandingan
- 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the speed of the boat, number of pax, tide, waves and weather.

12. Is there ice for sale?
- We can arrange it, should you want to buy.

13. Do you have a sari-sari store there?
- We do. We sell snacks, booze, drinks, ice, personal hygiene stuff, food ingredients and etc. (Kindly ask any of our employees if you're going to buy something.)

14. Is there a market near the island?
- No. Please buy everything you need ahead of time. 

15. Can we store our meat in your coolers?
- Most of our coolers are full. You may want to bring your own.

16. Can we order food there?
- We don’t store food so it is best to pre-order it. If ever we have, you can.

17. Do you have water for sale? House water for free?
- We have cold bottled waters for sale. We also have a 5 gallons water per container and it's 150 pesos/container (the container is not included so please return it upon check-out). Although, it's not cold. For the house water (hot or cold), we don't have as our water supply is from a deep well which is not suggested for drinking. We suggest you bring or you can buy mineral water from us.

18. Do you have a wifi?
- I’m sorry but we don't have.

19. Do you sell buko?
- We do.  1 buko = 50 pesos (Available only from 6-10am)

20. Do you accept credit card?
- As of now, we don’t.

21. Do we need to bring a towel? Tissues?
- Yes.

22. Can we walk-in?
-  Sadly, there's a new rule at the port. No resort booking, No sailing. Kindly secure a reservation first.

23. What are the things we need to bring? (We also have a store which you can find most of the ones listed below.)
* Insect Repellent Lotion/Spray
* Deposit slip and boat receipt
* Sunscreen lotion/spray/cream
* Protective sunglasses
* Durable Footwear
* Flashlight
* Charger/Powerbank
* Umbrellas/Cap/Visor
* Fan (cloth or re-chargeable)
* Personal Hygiene & Toiletry items
* First-aid Kit
* Cooking/Dining/Kitchen Utensils and Ware
* Dishwashing liquid & Cleaning pads
* Towel(s)
* Extra clothes
* Sand toys (optional)
* Water toys (optional)
* Garbage Bags
* Face Mask
* Alcohol/Disinfectant

24. Can our driver, helper and etc. sleep anywhere? Are they for free?
- This is a private property, thus no accommodation, no entry. Furthermore, please be responsible enough to secure an accommodation for them. 

25. Do you have a package tour?
- As of now, we do not have. We're sure you won't be needing one as most of our activities are actually free.

26. Can we use the Cabana for free or rent it?
- No. We use this as our massage area.

27. Can we bring pets?
- Sadly, no. We don't allow pets anymore.

28. Can we bring rice cookers or any kitchen appliances?
-No, this will cause our generators to malfunction.

a. Bringing of drugs and carrying of firearms is strictly prohibited.
b. Please conserve electricity and water.
c. Proper conduct is requested from all guests.
d. Please drink alcoholic beverages moderately.
e. Littering is strictly prohibited.
f. From 9pm to 5am, please refrain from any noise and or loud music. During daytime, excessive noise will not be permitted to maintain the serenity and tranquility of the place.
g. Night swimming/tours are strictly prohibited.
h. Please surrender the key of your accommodation upon checkout.
i. Please avoid bringing sand into your cottage/tent.
j. For accidental damages, please report it to us immediately to avoid charges/fine.
k. Bringing of pets are strictly prohibited
l. Please avoid occupying tables, chairs, tents and cottages designated to other guests.
m. Please do not bring the resort's facilities/properties outside the boundary of the resort.
n. Any damaged, vandalized, soiled, missing facilities/equipment, the guest will be charged the full cost of repair or the full cost of the damaged item(s).
o. For the comfort of all the guests, a maximum number of pax per cottage occupancy shall be enforced.
p. We reserve the right to administer additional rules and regulations for the security of all the guests.
q. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
r. Please do not leave your things unattended. We will not be liable should there be any loss.
s. Bringing of rice cooker or other appliances are strictly prohibited
t. Bring of pets are not allowed.

Nilandingan Cove shall not be responsible nor liable for bodily injury or even deaths as a consequence of however not constrained to mischances brought about by equipment/facilities with or without staff supervision; physical effort for which a visitor is not arranged; forces of nature; absence of or restricted access to medicinal consideration; travel via any sort of vehicle; and consumption of alcoholic refreshments.

The guest is obliged to take great consideration of the resort property and leased gear and to ensure them from harm, misfortune or robbery. On the off chance that any of the specified circumstances happens amid your stay and/or the rental period, the guest will be charged the full cost of repair materials and work charges if the gear is repairable or the full cost of the harmed item(s). At the end of your rental period, our resort delegate will inspect the leased materials. In the event of misfortune or burglary of the supplies, the resort will charge the guest the full cost of the missing item(s). Also, the guest consents to render Nilandingan Cove, its managers, officers and staff; free and innocuous from any cases emerging from the utilization of any of the supplies, facilities, equipment or accommodation in the resort.

Lastly, all visitors, by the prudence of their reservation, recognizes all the guidelines, regulations and rules of the resort and consent to abide by them. Disappointment to comply with any policies, rules and guideline may result in a minimum fine, will be asked to leave the premises without refund and future reservations being cancelled.