Most of our activities are actually free. Although, we appreciate it if you give tips to our guide as one of the many goals of Nilandingan Cove is to provide a source of income to the locals there. Please also note that all the activities listed here are exclusive for Nilandingan Cove's guests only. 

I. Low Tide Adventure Trek (Activities that can only be done during low tide)
a. Magic Tree

This single tree which is separated from the rest of the trees in the Mangrove on the right side of Nilandingan Cove is said to be Magical. It is believed to be the gateway to the Kingdom of "Engkantos" residing there. One local who supposedly stepped inside the tree was transported to another dimension when the ground suddenly became like quicksand. Locals note that the powdery white sand in between the main trunk of the tree is always clean as if someone was sweeping the floor.

The Magic Tree can only be reached during low tide when the waters of Cagbalete recede to as far as 1km. During high tide, half of the tree is submerged underwater.

b. Nature's Jacuzzi

(Credits to Ms. Pareissa Moini & Bronsy Manzano)

These Natural Jacuzzis occur whenever the water recedes leaving these pools of seawater with a variety of marine life inside.

A few years ago, we could swear to see three baby sharks swimming inside one of these pools, and one time a small sting ray.

Extremely fun to lie around, bask in the sun and wait for the tide to rise.

c. Moon Walk

During low tide, this rocky area near the Mangroves on Nilandingan's left side appears. Called "Bita-ug", the boats bring passengers down here as they could not dock in Nilandingan's Beach. The sand in this area is a fine grayish clay which some say is good as a mudpack for the skin. You can use this to gently exfoliate your dead skin and to soothe some areas in your body experiencing Sunburn. A guest (Sir Pom Regio) coined this place as the Moonwalk as it somewhat resembles the Moon's rocky, greyish surface. You will also see a lot of small round sand particles similar to that of Dippin Dots ice cream and some path markings of what seems to be moving rocks in the desert.

Other Activities:
a. De Sagwan Banca – 100 pesos per hour
b. Volleyball – 50 pesos per hour
c. Whole Body Massage  – 400 pesos per person/1 hour
d Island Hopping (Yang-in Swimming Spot) via MB Milagros
1-4 pax = 2,500
Additional pax = 350 per person

Nilandingan Cove's MB Milagros